Download Loader (PASS 123) Rar
In October and November 2022, several hundreds of collected samples and dozens of active C2 servers contributed to confirm SEKOIA.IO previous assessment that Aurora stealer would become a prevalent infostealer. Additionally, SEKOIA.IO observed multiple chains of infection leading to the execution of Aurora stealer. These infection chains leveraged phishing pages impersonating download pages of legitimate software, including cryptocurrency wallets or remote access tools, and the 911 method making use of YouTube videos and SEO-poised fake cracked software download websites. Analysis of two infection chains is provided in Annex 1.
Download Loader (PASS 123) rar
Download File:
Aurora loader is straightforward, it downloads a remote payload using net_http_Get from the built-in library net/http, then the file is written on the disk in the temporary directory with a random name. The stealer executes the next stage using the following PowerShell command:
Aurora is another infostealer targeting data from browsers, cryptocurrency wallets, local systems, and acting as a loader. Sold at a high price on market places, collected data is of particular interest to cybercriminals, allowing them to carry out follow-up lucrative campaigns, including Big Game Hunting operations.
ZipCosdaz.exe (4a57cbce13def4a4d9f7bccc49a8af52) is a .NET loader that retrieves Redline Stealer from Redline connects to C2 Address 193.56.146[.]114:44271.
ZipCosdaz1.exe (c03be50c6fbfd3aec108a7bcd7aaea82) is a loader for Ursnif malware. It stages HTA/PowerShell commands in HKCU\\Software\AppDataLow\Software\Microsoft\GUID and injects into Explorer.exe process using PowerShell.
Since Raccoon malware is a pretty standard example of a stealer-type malware, its execution process does not exactly stand out. In our analysis case, after the malware made its way into the infected system (does not matter which delivery method it would use) it downloaded additional modules from the Internet. These modules are mostly DLL dependencies which Raccoon requires to work correctly. After that, the malware began stealing information from browsers and the system and stored stolen data in an archive file. The file, in turn, was sent to the C2 server. Probably the same C&C server it was built in. Note that some versions of the Raccoon malware delete themselves after execution while others don't.
In addition, hackers have set up a Dropbox account where the malware is stored inside a .IMG file. Attackers use social engineering to trick victims into opening a malicious URL and download the infected file.
On Windows 10, various Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules can be enabled to prevent the execution of potentially malicious executable files (such as those that have been downloaded and executed by Office applications/scripting interpreters/email clients or that do not meet specific prevalence, age, or trusted list criteria). Note: cloud-delivered protection must be enabled for certain rules. [251]
Monitor for newly constructed files that are downloaded and executed on the user's computer. Endpoint sensing or network sensing can potentially detect malicious events once the file is opened (such as a Microsoft Word document or PDF reaching out to the internet or spawning powershell.exe).
On Feb. 1, 2022, Unit 42 observed an attack targeting an energy organization in Ukraine. CERT-UA publicly attributed the attack to a threat group they track as UAC-0056. The targeted attack involved a spear phishing email sent to an employee of the organization, which used a social engineering theme that suggested the individual had committed a crime. The email had a Word document attached that contained a malicious JavaScript file that would download and install a payload known as SaintBot (a downloader) and OutSteel (a document stealer). Unit 42 discovered that this attack was just one example of a larger campaign dating back to at least March 2021, when Unit 42 saw the threat group target a Western government entity in Ukraine, as well as several Ukrainian government organizations.
The use of email as the attack vector remains the same in all attacks carried out by this threat group. While the spear phishing emails are a common component, each attack uses a slightly different infection chain to compromise the system. For instance, the actors have included links to Zip archives that contain malicious shortcuts (LNK) within the spear phishing emails, as well as attachments in the form of PDF documents, Word documents, JavaScript files and Control Panel File (CPL) executables. Even the Word documents attached to emails have used a variety of techniques, including malicious macros, embedded JavaScript and the exploitation of CVE-2017-11882 to install payloads onto the system. With the exception of the CPL executables, most of the delivery mechanisms rely on PowerShell scripts to download and execute code from remote servers.
In this attack, this URL was hosting a malicious executable (SHA256: f58c41d83c0f1c1e8c1c3bd99ab6deabb14a763b54a3c5f1e821210c0536c3ff) that is a loader. This acts as the first stage of several in the overall infection chain, each of which have varying levels of complexity. Ultimately, this infection chain results in the installation and execution of a document stealer called OutSteel, a loader Trojan called SaintBot, a batch script turned into an executable that disables Windows Defender and a legitimate Google Chrome installation executable.
The executable initially downloaded by the JavaScript in the delivery document is an initial loader Trojan, whose developers signed using a certificate (SHA1: 60aac9d079a28bd9ee0372e39f23a6a92e9236bd) that has "Electrum Technologies GmbH" within the organization field. This is related to the Electrum Bitcoin wallet, as seen in the following:
The packer used to pack and obfuscate this initial loader allows a user to clone .NET assemblies from other .NET binaries, as well as from cloning certificates. This explains how a large portion of the payload is taken from a legitimate library, as well as the attached Electrum certificate.
OutSteel is a file uploader and document stealer developed with the scripting language AutoIT. It is executed along with the other binaries listed in Table 1. It begins by scanning through the local disk in search of files containing specific extensions, before uploading those files to a hardcoded command and control (C2) server. In this sample, the C2 server it reaches out to is 185[.]244[.]41[.]109:8080, with the endpoint /upld/.
Once the script has finished uploading all relevant files to the C2, it will then attempt to download a file to %TEMP%\svjhost.exe from the secondary hardcoded C2 eumr[.]site. The downloaded payload is a sample of the SaintBot .NET loader, also extracted from the SHCore2 DLL, and if downloaded successfully, will be executed via the command line.
The SaintBot .NET loader is also composed of several stages, with varying levels of obfuscation. It begins by executing a single PowerShell one-liner, which results in the execution of cmd.exe, passing the command timeout 20. Once the timeout completes, the loader will resume.
Once all checks have been passed, the second stage of the loader will extract the SaintBot binary from its resources and decrypt it. From there, it begins loading in different API calls, including VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, CreateProcessA and SetThreadContext. These calls are used to spawn MSBuild.exe in a suspended state before injecting the decrypted SaintBot binary into it, modifying the thread context to point to the malicious entry point and resuming the process.
de:regsvr32Execute an EXE or DLL (using regsvr32) via cmd.exede:LoadMemorySpawn copy of dfrgui.exe and inject downloaded executable into process de:LLDownload DLL and load into memory with LdrLoadDll()updateUpdate SaintBot binaryuninstallUninstall SaintBot from machineTable 3. SaintBot commands.
The PDF document attached to the delivery email contains text that suggests the individual can access a Bitcoin wallet with a large sum of money along with a link to download the wallet, as seen in Figure 24. The link cutt[.]ly/McXG1ft is shortened and points to the URL [.]site/doc/ to download a Zip archive.
The Zip archive contains a LNK shortcut that runs a powershell script to download and execute a payload from hxxp://1924[.]site/soft/09042021.exe. The archive also contains a password.txt file that has the following contents, which involve an Electrum Bitcoin wallet that links back to the attacks against Ukraine on Feb. 1, 2022:
The LNK shortcut downloads the executable from the URL above using the Start-BitsTransfer cmdlet, which is the same technique the threat group used to download the payload within the macro in the July 2021 attacks discussed below.
The Control Panel File saves the downloaded executable to %PUBLIC%\puttys.exe and runs it using the WinExec function. The resulting executable (SHA256: df3b1ad5445d628c24c1308aa6cb476bd9a06f0095a2b285927964339866b2c3) eventually runs the OutSteel document stealer, which will exfiltrate files to the following URL:
This PowerShell script will download and execute a Control Panel File (CPL) from 150520212[.]space, which it saves to a file named 000.cpl (SHA256: b72188ba545ad865eb34954afbbdf2c9e8ebc465a87c5122cebb711f41005939). The 000.cpl is a DLL whose functional code exists within the exported function CPlApplet. The functional code uses several consecutive jumps in an attempt to make code analysis more difficult. Despite these jumps, the functional code starts with a decryption stub, which will XOR each QWORD in the ciphertext using a key that starts as 0x29050D91. However, in each iteration of the decryption loop, the key is modified by multiplying it by 0x749507B5 and adding 0x29050D91.
The kpd1974.exe file (SHA256: b8ce958f56087c6cd55fa2131a1cd3256063e7c73adf36af313054b0f17b7b43) downloaded and executed by the macro ultimately runs a variant of the OutSteel document harvesting tool that exfiltrates files to hxxp://45.146.165[.]91:8080/upld/. We found two additional delivery documents that shared a similar macro and hosted the payload on the 1833[.]site, as seen in Table 5. One of the filenames of these two related documents suggest that the threat group continued to use the fake resume theme. 041b061a72